Touring skiing and snowboarding

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Blueberry days

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Peaks of the Balkans

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Plav lake

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Touring skiing and snowboarding

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Tourist offer

The tourist offer of Plav is diverse and enables the development of various forms of tourism (winter, summer, rural, sport fishing, cultural) as well as engaging in various sports and recreational activities (mountaineering, cycling, sport fishing, water sports, rafting, kayaking, paragliding, walking on snowshoes, ski touring and snowboarding).
The largest number of tourists who visit Plav stay in nature and cite it as the main reason for their visit.

Precisely because of this, the most important segment of the offer is the Prokletije National Park. Due to its inaccessibility, it is also the most preserved park and represents to tourists a still unexplored part and untouched nature. The Peaks of the Balkans trail stands out as the most important tourist product. It is an international hiking trail, 192 km long, and includes the three countries of Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. The largest number of foreign visitors are mountaineers who hike that trail.


The tourist organization of the municipality of Plav, i.e. the organization's info bureau is located in the center of Plav, next to the JU Center for Culture "Husein Bašić". The building is easily visible and recognizable because it is built entirely of wood. In the facility, you can get all the information regarding accommodation, the city's offer, gastronomic offer and other things that may be of interest to a tourist who is in Plav for the first time, that is, wants to visit Prokletije National Park.
In the info office, you can also register and deregister your stay through the electronic system that is connected to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro and all border crossings. The TO Plav office also has a small souvenir shop where you can buy a souvenir that will remind you of Plav or a hiking map of Prokletije. In the summer months, the office is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.



Choose a date


Events in Plav

  • 31. Jul. 2024


  • 28. Jul. 2024

    08:00 - 17:00

    The paths of Hrid

  • 26. Jul. 2024


  • 26. Jul. 2024


  • 24. Jul. 2024



Accommodation units in Plav

Date start: 31. Jul. 2024. 21:00

The paths of Hrid

Date start: 28. Jul. 2024. 08:00 - 17:00

Departure at 08:00 in front of TA Plav
Transportation and lunch provided

It is a circular path that includes an ascent from Bajrovića katun, 1720m above sea level, through the Preslap pass, Omer's meadow and Gaška struga to Hridski karst, 2358m above sea level.
From the top there is a wide and unforgettable view of the surrounding peaks and the peaks of the Albanian Prokletije. After a rest at the top, there is a descent via Tepsijica to Hridsko jezero 1970 masl.
The cliff path attracts the attention of adventurers and mountaineers from all over the world. Its impressive appearance and challenging trails provide a unique opportunity to explore natural beauty and adrenaline experiences.
If you are a fan of hiking and want to face the challenges of wild nature, a hiking trip on Putače Hrida is the ideal adventure for you.
Putača Hrida offers a variety of terrain and beautiful views that you cannot experience anywhere else. Accompanied by experienced guides, you embark on a journey that will take you through different types of terrain.

Hiking on Putače Hrida is a challenge that requires good physical condition and mountaineering experience. The trails can be steep and uneven, and the weather unpredictable. Therefore, it is important to be prepared, wear appropriate equipment and follow the instructions of experienced guides.
  Respect the hiking rules, follow the guide's instructions and be aware of your physical condition in order to enjoy this incredible adventure in the best possible way.

For applications and additional information, you can contact the organizer via social media or via e-mail address: or phone number +382 69 313 393

Date start: 26. Jul. 2024. 21:00

Date start: 26. Jul. 2024. 12:00

Date start: 24. Jul. 2024. 19:00